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The Sentinel Supports Israel – Ask City Council to Do the Same

Last year, Shenandoah officials supported a resolution in favor of Ukraine. Today, the Sentinel urges council to pass a similar resolution in favor of Israel. To voice your support, ask Mayor Escoto (john.escoto@shenandoahtx.us) to place a resolution like the one below on the next agenda. Council members’ email and phone numbers are listed here.

In addition, consider asking council to support a resolution calling on Governor Abbott to close the southern border of our state. U.S. Border Agents are encountering a growing number of people on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist at our southern border. Recently, the Texas Department of Public Safety urged Texans to report suspicious activity after the attacks on Israel.  Just a few months ago, vandals sprayed a swastika and other obscenities on restroom doors in the city park. 

A Proposed Resolution in Support of Israel:

WHEREAS, on October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a multi-pronged, coordinated attack into southern Israeli territory;

WHEREAS, hundreds of innocent civilians, including women and children have been taken hostage, injured and murdered in the attack which targeted concert attendees at a music festival along with Israeli citizens in the area;

WHEREAS, at least 27 Americans were killed in the attack and some are reportedly being held hostage;

WHEREAS, Israel declared war against Hamas; and

WHEREAS, the City of Shenandoah, Texas stands with Israel and condemns these terrorist attacks; now therefore

BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Shenandoah:

Section 1: The City of Shenandoah hereby extends support to the people of Israel in this time of unprovoked aggression and stands in solidarity with Israel as it defends itself;

Section 2: The City of Shenandoah stands in solidarity with Jewish people who live in the city; and

Section 3: This Resolution shall become effective upon signature by the Mayor or upon becoming effective without the Mayor’s signature.