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Shenandoah Showcase – The Bakers

Photography by Rob Greer. Painting by Suzie Baker. (Shenandoah Outdoor Still Life 8X8 oil on linen panel 2022)

The historic area of Shenandoah (often referred to as the “Valley”) is experiencing a revival. Seeing the great potential, established residents and new homeowners have begun to invest in this area, creating momentum in home improvements. This section features renovations to encourage, educate and showcase the potential for remodeling.

Suzie and Andy Baker bought their home in 1995 and 15 years later decided to embark on a major expansion. Suzie, an award-winning artist, had outgrown her home studio which once encompassed the living and dining rooms of their 70’s style one-story ranch. They commissioned Karl Voelkel to design the space. Since the main function of the space was an in-home art studio, lighting and openness was essential. Voelkel captured their vision to transform a detached garage into a stunningly beautiful two-story studio with soaring ceilings.

Suzie is a still life and portrait artist and has been painting en plein air (French for outdoors) since she was a teenager.  Her art, including local scenes, is displayed on the studio walls exhibiting her immense artistic gifts. 

Voelkel, a Certified Professional Building Designer, included space in the studio for a kitchenette, bedroom, sitting area and full bath. Since lighting was imperative, he captured the natural light with a north facing expanse of windows.  This provides the perfect light for Suzie’s studio. For fellow neighbors considering a remodel, Karl says, “You don’t have to figure it all out.  Just decide what you want and let me figure out the design.”

The dramatic wood stairs lead to a welcoming eclectic sitting room and bedroom. Blessed with an artistic eye, the Bakers used reclaimed materials and family heirlooms to fill spaces. Shaun McDaniel of SJM Roofing and Remodel (a Shenandoah resident) did the construction and is highly recommended by the Bakers.

Ashley Stokes of Stoking Splendor provided interior decorating services.

The meandering backyard surrounding the studio is full of colorful plants. Potted Katrina roses, growing on a wooden arbor,  welcome guests. Suzie draws inspiration from the vivid  heirloom marigolds and zinnias.

The Bakers were drawn to Shenandoah in 1995 for the same reasons they reinvested in their home and community. It is the people, location, parks, family atmosphere, community pride — all part of a consistent theme that’s shared with many neighbors and friends.

Baker Studio interior Photography by Rob Greer
Baker Studio interior Photography by Rob Greer
Baker Studio interior Photography by Rob Greer