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Parents Protest Grooming Books in Montgomery County Libraries

Several parents urged County Commissioners to take action on the large number of ‘grooming’ and other sexually explicit books in the children’s and young adult sections of county libraries. Many of them read excerpts from these books during the “Citizens” section of the June 27 meeting (starting at 39 minutes).
Local mom Michele Nuckolls pointed out that across the county’s multiple library branches, she found at least 100 copies of books in the children’s section that support gender fluidity, compared with only one book (Elephants Are Not Birds) that balances out these competing ideologies. “Balancing books is required by library policy,” she said. Nuckolls made several recommendations, including moving certain “pornographic” books from the young adult area into the adult section.
Montgomery County has a challenge policy (see “Materials Selection”) and a “Citizens Reconsideration Committee” which were established to review and make decisions concerning objectionable content for children. One of the committee’s members, Ryan Hutson told the commissioners that his letters to the Library Director Rhea Young have been ignored.
After the meeting Hutson explained why he felt the review process is flawed. “The committee meetings are conducted in secrecy and are tightly controlled by woke librarians whose attendance outnumbers the citizens appointed to the committee. No meeting minutes are kept, the committee’s decisions are advisory only and have no ‘teeth,’ and committee members are never informed of the final decisions which are carried out unilaterally by the Library Director. This process allows depraved library personnel to circumvent the will of the citizens and exert complete control over the content that is made available to children.”
Hutson said that exposing children to sexually deviant and explicit books in public libraries has led to a society where young girls are getting mastectomies, and young boys are being put on puberty blockers. “It’s incrementalism.  Deviation always leads to further deviation. Tolerate one form of deviation and soon you’ll be forced to tolerate another form, all the way to its final conclusion.”
Although the Library Director Young attended the meeting, she did not speak publicly.
For information on library story hours based on conservative books, see twomomsandsomebooks.substack.com