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Honoring First Responders on Patriot Day

Woodlands Fir​e Chief Palmer Buck presided over a solemn ceremony on Sunday, September 11 to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. He said this is a day to remember, reflect and renew.

Also speaking at the event was Township Director Jason Nelson, who paid tribute to the firemen who “ran toward danger” that day.

Texas sent about 80 firefighters to New York for two weeks to help with the rescue efforts. Buck said today was “especially poignant” for him because one of his best friends who was in the Texas delegation was diagnosed with terminal cancer two months ago. 

Last year, the Justice Department and the Victims Compensation Fund reported that more people are believed to have died from 9/11-related illnesses than those killed on the day of the terror attacks. 

The Woodlands Fire Department has provided services to Shenandoah for over ten years pursuant to a contract, and a new contract was signed earlier this year covering the next ten years.