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14 Propositions on Texas Ballot: Pros & Cons

Here's a summary of the 14 propositions on the ballot in the upcoming November 2023 election. Number 4 is of particular importance to homeowners. Source: Texas Legislative Council Proposition 1 The constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management. Pro: Prevents municipal…

David Memorial Extension Update

On August 9, Shenandoah city council voted unanimously to approve a new agreement with Montgomery County so that work can begin on the road extension in the next few weeks. The new agreement states Shenandoah will contribute $2 million plus wetlands credits and the county will pay $3,475,000 towards the…

Dark Clouds Hang Over David Memorial Extension

The $9.1 million construction project to extend David Memorial Drive to Highway 242 may not start in August as planned because the city of Conroe is apparently considering delaying its portion of funding. The extension would provide much needed relief to congestion on the I-45 feeder northbound between Research Forest…

Residents Start Petition Against Library Move

Area residents opposed to a proposal which would move the South Regional Library and Community Center (on Lake Robbins Drive) to the Grogan’s Mill Village Center have started an online petition against the move. It began in response to a unanimous vote by Montgomery County commissioners on May 23 to…