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About the Sentinel

Stories with insight, depth and analysis by citizen journalists
“The only security of all is in a free press.” – Thomas Jefferson
The Shenandoah Sentinel launched in June 2022 with a print edition and website, ShenandoahNews.com. It’s the only independent news source with an exclusive focus on Shenandoah city news.
The Sentinel is staffed by volunteer citizen journalists who have extensive knowledge of the city, its government, businesses and people. They are professionals with backgrounds in the fields of law, finance, science, information technology and local government.
Committed to publishing stories with insight, depth and analysis, Sentinel writers have already released several articles covering a wide range of news and features. The Sentinel strives to offer readers more than simplistic factual statements, data or council votes. Instead, Sentinel readers will gain valuable insight and benefit from the research, background and context provided in our stories.
The Sentinel aims to equip Shenandoah residents and businesses with a better understanding of city news, issues, challenges and opportunities as our city enters into a time of unparalleled growth.

Subject to our Terms, the Sentinel welcomes articles and story ideas which may be submitted to: sentinel-editor@pm.me.