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Savanah Drive Residents Concerned About Zoning Proposal

Some area residents are alarmed about a potential zoning change under consideration by the Planning and Zoning commission which affects properties facing the I-45 South feeder between Wellman and Research Forest. The change could allow multiple story buildings to be built behind homes on Savanah Drive.  
Robert Shock has lived on Savanah since 1981 and his home is one of several which back up to the commercial strip. Shock organized a Facebook campaign to raise awareness and provide input from area residents. He is concerned the plan would likely reduce property values and destroy privacy.
The area is currently zoned as “Neighborhood Services” which restricts building height to one story (20 feet) and prohibits multi-storied buildings directly behind Savannah homes. From discussions during past meetings, P&Z commissioners have indicated a willingness to rezone the strip as a “Community Commercial District” which allows building height up to 45 feet or more. According to Shock, the few existing multi-story buildings along the feeder were built before zoning laws* were enacted in 2011.
City attorney Bill Ferebee told council during its November 15 meeting that P&Z members are inclined to consider development on a case-by-case basis. Councilman Ted Fletcher opposed this approach because he said developers should have a clear understanding of what is and is not allowed. Fletcher continued by stating “we aren’t going to make everyone happy. I understand that. We aren’t going to make residents happy that chose to live right behind a commercial district. It’s not like that was a new development.”
The next P&Z meeting is at 6 pm, on December 19 and city council will meet on December 20, 7 pm.
*A table on page 40 of the IDC lists maximum building height by zone; the definition of Neighborhood Services is on page 27 and the definition of Community Commerical Districtis on page 29.