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  • Month: January 2024

12 Brave Souls Plunge into Pool

By Nathan Millan Fifty-nine-degree water and 12 brave souls. The polar bear plunge is a fun event where those who dare can jump into freezing water. When I got to the plunge this morning I was greeted with many snacks and doughnuts, provided by the community Civic Club. The one lifeguard…

The Elephant in the Room

Controversial Montgomery County GOP Chair Bryan Christ and his challenger Gwen Withrow faced off in a candidate forum last night. Many of the questions from the crowd were aimed at the elephant in the room: a serious rift in the party which has made headlines, produced lawsuits and led state…

Meet Area Candidates and Ask Questions

On March 5, Texans will head to the polls for primary elections. Several local conservative groups have joined together to host candidate forums starting Thursday, January 4 at 6:30 pm. The forums will be held for five consecutive weeks at Grace Woodlands Church on I-45. Candidates have a few minutes to…