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  • Month: October 2023

Tamina Spokesmen Question City’s Intentions

During city council’s October 25 meeting, two Tamina leaders expressed frustration over serious concerns the community has with city officials related to the $21 million, federally funded water and sewer project that Shenandoah started this year. Minister Tyrone Price said that while the project was excellent and long overdue, “it…

Council Supports Stronger Texas Borders and Israel

Last night, city council voted unanimously in favor of two resolutions. One was to support the Governor's efforts to strengthen the southern border, although the resolution fell short of asking Abbott to close the border as state representative Steve Toth had recommended. The other resolution expressed the city's stand in…

14 Propositions on Texas Ballot: Pros & Cons

Here's a summary of the 14 propositions on the ballot in the upcoming November 2023 election. Number 4 is of particular importance to homeowners. Source: Texas Legislative Council Proposition 1 The constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management. Pro: Prevents municipal…