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12 Brave Souls Plunge into Pool

By Nathan Millan
Fifty-nine-degree water and 12 brave souls. The polar bear plunge is a fun event where those who dare can jump into freezing water. When I got to the plunge this morning I was greeted with many snacks and doughnuts, provided by the community Civic Club. The one lifeguard who was making sure everyone at the pool was safe was Chris, who took the freezing jump with 12 courageous others. The event started at 10 am, with the main jump at 10:30.
The pool was extremely well-kept and clean, thanks to Suzy Mason; the assistant pool operator. Everyone who jumped had a blast, but no one was able to survive the freezing cold water for long. After the jump, there was plenty of hot chocolate and even a warm room. 
The tradition of the polar bear plunge has been going on for at least 13 years. I did not jump, but I can say with great confidence that everyone who did had a wonderful time at this year’s polar bear plunge. All participants got a shirt with a polar bear to remember their fearless feat.
Nathan Millan is a contributing writer for the Sentinel, and is in Mrs. Hill’s 8th grade class at Quest Collegiate Academy – Shenandoah.